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Customized Fat-Loss Phase - Step 2

Tracking & Tweaking to Avoid Fat-Loss Plateaus

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Here’s where the “work” comes in. If you want to ensure that you are losing fat with this formula, you must test it.

1. Weigh yourself every morning for an entire week while adhering to the prescribed macronutrient intake.
2. Get an average of your weigh-ins for that week.
3. Weigh yourself every morning for another week while adhering to the prescribed macronutrient intake.
4. Get an average of your weigh-ins for week 2.
5. Subtract the week 1 average from the week 2 average.

Weigh In
If the average weigh-in has increased, you're in a surplus. Although this is not likely, if it happens then you must simply decrease your calories by 100-200kcal (25-50 grams of carbs) and repeat.

If the average weigh-in has decreased, great, this means you are in a caloric deficit and are on track for fat-loss!

If the average weigh-in remained the same, then you are at maintenance. Simply decrease the calorie intake by about 100kcal (25 grams of carbs) and that should be enough to put you into a caloric deficit where you can start makin’ progress.