How Struggling Skinny Guys Are Transforming Into Walking Mountains Of Muscle By Following This Tough-As-Nails
28 Day Muscle-Building System

The Only Question Is - Do You Think You Could Handle It?

From the desk of Alain Gonzalez…

May 03, 2024 - 05:53:46


If you’re a skinny guy struggling to build muscle and tired of busting your butt in the gym for little results then it’s probably not your fault…

And you are definitely not alone.

The Truth About Most Muscle-Building Workouts

Most programs are geared towards guys who have incredible, god-like genetics OR are on a boatload of performance enhancing drugs like steroids and growth hormone.

Unfortunately, these are the same “bodybuilders” who talk about what the natural trainee (meaning you) should do to look like them…

Now does that make sense to you?

Not at all…

That’s like taking financial advice from a person who can’t rub two nickels together.

In fact, if you’re following traditional training splits like chest and back on one day and arms on the next…

You could be sabotaging your results.

The idea that you should have a leg day or that throwing up is a sign of a great workout is old news.

When you apply science – these old beliefs go out the window and you’ll reap the herculean like-strength gains and massive muscle results that you’ve been after this whole time.

So How Did These Guys Do It?

They followed these 3 specific natural muscle-building principles below…

Note* These will only work if you’re natural and not enhanced. If you’re currently on performance enhancing drugs of any type, then please click away from this page right now.

Principle #1: Stop with body-part splits


These types of workouts are the worst if you’re a natural guy who wants to build muscle fast. In fact, 50+ years ago, the biggest guys walking the earth followed total body splits. Even Arnold Schwarzennegger, before he started taking steroids initially built his body with high frequency training splits performed 3-4x per week. These programs were the golden rule of the era. There was no concept of “body-part training” like there is now. The only reason this type of training split came about was with the advancement of anabolic steroids.

Principle #2: Stop Chasing The Pump

There are schools of thought that believe training for the pump enhances muscle growth. However, there is just no validity to this statement at all. The true, tried, and tested way to build massive amounts of muscle and crazy strength is with heavy weights and constant “mechanical tension.” That’s it.




Take a look at some of the guys I train with. They are competitive powerlifters and DO NOT perform ONLY “bodybuilding movements” nor do they adhere to a body-part split training template or chase the pump. Notice the amount of muscle mass they have? This is from big weights and progressive overload.

You wouldn’t mind these results…right?

Principle #3: Lift Heavy And Lift Fast For Maximum Results

Powerlifter 2

A study published by Greek sports scientists found that men that trained with heavy weights (80-85% of their one-rep max, or “1RM”) increased their metabolic rates over the following three days, burning hundreds more calories than the men that trained with lighter weights (45-65% of their 1RM).


The studies are really endless, the benefits of training with heavy weights vs lighter weights with higher reps range from a spike in your sex hormones, fat loss hormones, insulin sensitivity, to faster increases of lean muscle mass that helps you burn a heck of a lot more fat and remain lean in the process of adding size.

So Where Can You Go From Here?

I’ve personally seen the success that ditching the old way of doing things has done to my physique and for the 15,432 on my newsletter and 3,301 customers that have trusted me to help them transform their body’s.

So because of this, I knew I had to create a simple, yet powerful program for the masses…

Something for guys who want serious results and want them now.

Let me introduce to you

28 Day Anabolic Intensity

Now first, let me tell you what this program is not…

This program is not a steroid, a supplement or high-volume muscle building program that’s going to keep you in the gym for hours on end everyday.

And this is not some cookie-cutter based routine pulled out of some magazine.

No, it’s nothing like that.

What I will say is the next 28 days will be the hardest you ever endure. However, if you make it through, then there’s no doubt you will experience new-found muscle growth.

How Much Muscle Growth?

Most guys tell me they experience up to 7 pounds of new scale weight (not from fat), up to 50lbs on their big lifts like bench press, deadlifts, and squats…

While also adding 1-3 inches around their chest, shoulders and arms…

Oh and the best part is zero increases in belly fat.

Now here’s everything that comes with this program.

Component #1 – Project Hypertrophy 28 Day Anabolic Intensity Training Guide:

ecoverThis is a 4 week intensity block programmed to maximize strength while inducing an insane hypertrophic response. The training method used in this guide is followed by some of the world’s biggest and strongest powerlifters. The periodization strategy in 28 Anabolic Intensity has been shown to be one of the most effective methods of progression, ever.

Component #2 – 28 Day Anabolic Intensity Execution DVD:

ecover-videoYou may be familiar with a lot of the workouts found inside the program, and that’s excellent. But I am going to tell you right now that the techniques used to perform each exercise are not typical and I can almost guarantee that you’ve never done them like this. So not only does the video series go over every exercise, but it illustrates the proper form for optimal contraction.

Component #3 – Project Hypertrophy 1RM Calculator:

ecover-calculatorYou’ve never put on size and strength optimally until you’ve trained with percentages. This 1RM calculator uses an advanced formula that will tell you exactly what your 1 Rep Maxes are for any major lift and removes all the guess work. Not only will you know what exercise you should be performing, but now you’ll know exactly how much weight you should throw on the bar!

And Much More!

Now I Have To Warn You…

If you’re going to be lazy, un-motivated or not give this program an honest effort, then it will do nothing for you. You will not experience an ounce of results.

The next 28 days will be the hardest ever, but you will be amazed at the results you’ll experience.

It’s that simple.

Put the effort in and you’ll reap the rewards with new-found muscle growth all over your body without any extra belly fat.

Look At What The Experts Are Saying About This Program

Chad Howse

Expert Review – Chad Howse

“NOT achieving strength and mass growth nearly impossible.”

Alain knows his stuff. His programs are awesome. This one will take you through a process and progressions that will make NOT achieving strength and mass growth nearly impossible.

Chad Howse
Certified Personal Trainer
Amateur Boxer
Published Author

Sean Brownstein

Expert Review – Sean Brownstein

“If you’re not getting stronger, you’re not getting bigger”

If you’re not getting stronger, you’re not getting bigger, period. If you want to pack on the most amount of strength in the shortest amount of time while putting on lean muscle mass, then the percentage based intensity block Alain uses is the way to go.

Sean Brownstein
Strength Coach
Elite Powerlifter

Jared DiCarmine

Expert Review – Jared DiCarmine

“I can only imagine the results I would get if I was eating above my maintenance calories.”

I’m currently dieting for second natural bodybuilding show and for my 3rd phase of training, I decided to use the 28 Day Anabolic Intensity training block. The intensity is already pre-programmed and I’m definitely able to hold on to more muscle mass while cutting my calories. In fact, my back and legs are slightly bigger which is great. I can only imagine the results I would get if I was eating above my maintenance calories. I’ll for sure have another go around at this program when I finish my show and it’s time to start building more muscle mass again. It’s that solid.

Jared DiCarmine
INBF Competitive Bodybuilder
B.S. Honors Exercise Science

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So Why Am I Giving This Away For Less Than the Cost of a Greasy Fast Food Meal?

Reason #1 – I want to earn your trust. There’s a lot of greedy scammers and “miracle solutions” on the internet that promise you the moon, but never deliver the results. I want to show you how powerful this easy-to-use solution really is and the impact it can have on your entire life with minimal risk to you.

Reason #2 – I’m giving this away as a digital product in the beginning, which allows me to keep costs low. Plus, I have a goal of helping 100,000 hardgainers go from skinny to muscular. So I didn’t want finances to be a problem for you.

Reason #3 – I wanted you to have zero risk whatsoever. You’re backed up by my iron clad triple action 60-day money back guarantee. So if you’re not happy at all with the program for whatever reason whether it’s the information inside, the pictures, or even the font used, I’ll be happy to issue a full, no questions asked refund right away.

60 Day Guarantee

Now I Know This Will Ruffle A Few Feathers

I know when someone comes out with a program like this and almost guarantees incredible results that it will raise a few eyebrows.

I understand and that is okay.

The internet and the muscle-building industry is like the Wild West. Full of big promises. Sadly, there’s a lot of scammers out there who want you to buy their next whiz-bang product or supplement with zero guarantee or risk on THEIR shoulders.

Well, I’m here to tell you different.

I frankly want to earn your trust and show you the truth with results.

Science is always changing. There’s always new ways of getting the best results possible. You need to keep your ear to the ground, disregard the naysayers and try stuff out for yourself.

But I can tell you one thing…

If you’ve been lifting hard, eating right and you still haven’t been seeing results, then it’s most likely your training program. You’re stuck at a plateau. And that’s okay. That is part of this game.

You need to break free and burst through that plateau and the best way for you to do that is with 28 Days To Anabolic Intensity.

So What Are You Waiting For?

The most successful people in this world whether it has to do with building muscle, getting the body of their dreams, running a successful business or doing good in school take massive action. That’s it. The people who follow directions and take massive action always have the most success in the fastest time possible.

Remember, the pain of inaction will only lead to more pain, anger and frustration with your muscle-building, chest sculpting woes. Don’t procrastinate any longer. For just $19 you WILL get the results I’ve promised. All of the risk is squarely on my shoulders. You have nothing to lose except a flat chest that you hate looking at in the mirror.

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Here is to transforming your body!

Sign Off Take care,


Alain Gonzalez
Author, Bony to Brawny
Author, Max Adaptation Strength System
Certified Personal Trainer
Owner, Muscle Monsters LLC

Regular $49.95Today $19

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