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Do You Want to Double Your Project Hypertrophy Gains?

Then You Need The Advanced 28-Day Phases...

Check this out - because I want to set you up for the future to ensure you're ready when it's time, I am going to give you one more extremely rare opportunity to upgrade your order with the Advanced 28-Day Phases – while saving 75% in the process!

Bonus Offer: 28-Day Anabolic Frequency

A 4 week, properly periodized training program system designed to maximize muscle growth following the initial 28-Day Intensity phase.

In this phase we'll focus on frequency for maximizing training-induced MPS - so that you can spend more time in a growing state.

Bonus Offer: 28-Day Anabolic Volume

Volume IS the key driver of muscle growth, period!

In this phase we'll focus on increasing volume so that you can maximize muscle growth over the course of this 4-week meso-cycle.

The total value of the Advanced 28-Day Phases is $29.99….

But once again, because you have put all of your trust in me, I want you to make sure you reach your goals with my programs, I want to offer you the Advanced 28-Day Phases at 75% OFF… if you buy today.

No thanks. I understand that this is a very rare opportunity to receive this ridiculous savings off these products and I am OK with missing out on this HUGE offer. I understand that after declining this offer, The Advanced 28-Day Phases may NEVER be available to me at any price, even if I wish to pay more. I will pass on this forever.

The Advanced 28-Day Phases are a downloadable program. You will receive instant access upon purchase. Nothing will be shipped.